Here is new map in Foxsuke Project~
These 2 screenshots were taken from same map.
Comments are welcome! >_<
by woratana
Here is new map in Foxsuke Project~
These 2 screenshots were taken from same map.
Comments are welcome! >_<
Just so you know that my laptop's AC Adaptor is broken, and the laptop is now ran out of battery.
So it will take a while to get back on the project.
And I hope it will not too late. :)
Here is Foxsuke's intro demo.
It contains 2 maps I'm using for intro, and some scripts.
I didn't encryted it, so you can open the project and maybe get something from it.
Enjoy~! :D
P.s. Please comment!
I just finished Intro images for Foxsuke project. These images will show before go to Title screen~
Feels free to comment :)
I just finished the town map, it took me a few hours to get this done.
This is the biggest map I mapped so far too. I think it looks just fine, not too bad. :)
Tell me what do you think about it!
In game screen:
In Editor screen:
It's a little big for blog~
Here is the forest map I mapped about two days before I map the town~
Please let me know what do you think about these maps. Thanks~!
Here is new light in my old indoor map> _> /
Here is what I've before, the new one looks a lot better Here is what I've before, the new one looks a lot better
Here is new screenshot, Waterfall :)
Now I'm getting on the script to finish Wora's ABS. (It's nearly finish now)
I chose some musics for the game yesterday. I got 6-7 songs with overall 4.5 mb more in my game. :p
Half of them are from game's musics, and other half are from loop midi folder I've downloaded a long time ago.
It's going good. If there's no homework. TwT'
My friend, Rhen (a.k.a. Devil Queen Rhentaa *w*) made me the Foxkeh sprite yesterday! XD
After I'm looking for someone to help me about that for a while.
I'm pretty excite about this. ( 'w')/
Anyway, the ABS haven't improve much, I haven't make the monster attack system yet TwT.
+ There're a lot of homework right now, so I've to finished them first. And I'll try to finish this in 1 and half month >_> <_<~
Here is the indoor map, with Foxkeh charset by Rhenta!!
Comments are welcome! :)
Hi, I just finished windowskin for this game.
It's not really windowskin though, just a message window's background that will show when you choose 'Dim Background' in event command Show Message~
Comments are welcome! :)
Here is new map in game, I took more than half an hour to finished this TwT
(It's only 20*20 map :p)
Please comment! :)
I just started working on ABS (Active Battle System?) last night, and I it's going pretty good. :)
Here is screenshot from test map :)
You can download the demo from link below:
And here is the map in game, I haven't put monster in there yet though :p
Comments are welcome! :)
The project now have 2 maps so far. 1 Exterior and 1 Interior map.
The system now is going pretty good, here is a example of systems in game:
I've problem with system in this project lately,
I tried to make 'Self-variable' system (Same as 'self-switch', just change true/false to value), but failed.
The point is I can't remember how to control self-switches in script, so I open Game_Interpreter
and got these lines:
key = [@map_id, @original_event_id, @params[0]]and I came up with this in event command 'Call Script':
$game_self_switches[key] = (@params[1] == 0)
key = [@map_id, @event_id, 'A']I'll explain variable in here a little bit for anyone who like to know~ :3
$game_self_variables[key] = 10
class Game_SelfSwitches{} or is to create new hash.
def initialize
@data = {}
# ArrayYou will see that Array stores data with its index, o, 1, 2....
a = [] # [] is same as
a[0] = 'Foxkeh'
a[1] = 'is'
a[2] = 'Cute'
a[3] = 'XD'
# HashHash will store data with its 'keys', e.g. 'one' or 'y', number like 10 can use for key either.
a = {}
a['one'] = 'Foxkeh'
a['y'] = 'is'
a[10] = Yeah!
$game_self_switches = {[$game_map.map_id, @event_id,"A"] => false}And it works! :)
Hi! everyone
I will be using this blog to update my game process. Please come visit whenever you have time. >_>~
Foxsuke Project is not real game name, the real name should be Foxsuke something.... Anyway, I already type in title screen 'Foxsuke: the fox', so I think I probably use that one for real name. :3
Today I just finished my game title screen and banner.
I did it in wrong resolution at first, so I've to redo it again in VX resolution. TwT
Here's XP resolution, version 1
someone tell me that snowflake shouldn't be in hot-color picture, so I edited to...
Version 2
And then after I opened new project in VX, I found out that I made title in RMXP resolution =[]@!
It took me about half an hour to redo the hole thing, (some of them I just copy and resize though >_>)
VX resolution
I don't know if that looks good to you or not, but I like it anyway. ( 'w')/