Foxsuke Sprite + Indoor Map

My friend, Rhen (a.k.a. Devil Queen Rhentaa *w*) made me the Foxkeh sprite yesterday! XD
After I'm looking for someone to help me about that for a while.

I'm pretty excite about this. ( 'w')/

Anyway, the ABS haven't improve much, I haven't make the monster attack system yet TwT.

+ There're a lot of homework right now, so I've to finished them first. And I'll try to finish this in 1 and half month >_> <_<~

Here is the indoor map, with Foxkeh charset by Rhenta!!

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Comments are welcome! :)

Windowskin Test~

Hi, I just finished windowskin for this game.

It's not really windowskin though, just a message window's background that will show when you choose 'Dim Background' in event command Show Message~

Comments are welcome! :)

New Map :)

Here is new map in game, I took more than half an hour to finished this TwT
(It's only 20*20 map :p)

Please comment! :)

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

ABS System Test Demo~


I just started working on ABS (Active Battle System?) last night, and I it's going pretty good. :)

Here is screenshot from test map :)

You can download the demo from link below:

And here is the map in game, I haven't put monster in there yet though :p

Comments are welcome! :)

Systems and Map!! XD

The project now have 2 maps so far. 1 Exterior and 1 Interior map.

The system now is going pretty good, here is a example of systems in game:

  • Self-variables: use for event's HP and other thing~
  • Advance Mouse System: You can click on things in map and interact
  • Window Imagelist: Use image instead of text in window_command
  • Window Getitem: Show item and amount that you just get
Right now I haven't get into big system in game yet.
I planned about this game to be ABS, after I played one of my friend's ABS game that's really good.

However, this game will probably include puzzle stuffs if I've enough time to do. Just the scripting for game could be really time-consuming process, so I'm not sure if I'll have time. :p

Here is first map in this game:
View Raw Image"> The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

You will see the mouse cursor and Window Getitem that I mentioned above. I've to wait for Pineda (if he will sprite it :3) to help me sprite Foxsuke.~

Map light I'm using are from XP, just change image's size to fit in VX screen.

Before I finish today's journal, I will provide event command list that I use for 'Tone Tester'
I used it to get color in map match with map light's image and surrounding. It will make your map looks better, or at least

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
I hope this will be useful :)
View Raw Image">

Problem with script, Self-variable~

I've problem with system in this project lately,

I tried to make 'Self-variable' system (Same as 'self-switch', just change true/false to value), but failed.

The point is I can't remember how to control self-switches in script, so I open Game_Interpreter
and got these lines:

key = [@map_id, @original_event_id, @params[0]]
$game_self_switches[key] = (@params[1] == 0)
and I came up with this in event command 'Call Script':
key = [@map_id, @event_id, 'A']
$game_self_variables[key] = 10
I'll explain variable in here a little bit for anyone who like to know~ :3

@map_id: variable in Game_Interpreter that stores Map ID
@event_id and @original_event_id: variable in Game_Interpreter that stores ID of event that's running this command.

You will see that we can use variable in Game_Interpreter directly from event command 'Call Script', that's because all event command will process in Game_Interpreter.

However, the code above that I tried is not work~

I opened the code and found out that Game_Selfswitches saved data in Hash.
class Game_SelfSwitches

def initialize
@data = {}
{} or is to create new hash.

What is Hash? It's variable that store data seperated with 'keys'. Similar theory as Array, but array will store data in 'index'.

# Array
a = [] # [] is same as
a[0] = 'Foxkeh'
a[1] = 'is'
a[2] = 'Cute'
a[3] = 'XD'
You will see that Array stores data with its index, o, 1, 2....
# Hash
a = {}
a['one'] = 'Foxkeh'
a['y'] = 'is'
a[10] = Yeah!
Hash will store data with its 'keys', e.g. 'one' or 'y', number like 10 can use for key either.

Back to the topic, Self-variable~

I can't figure out how to control self-switches. Finally, I opened my old game in VX (well, not really old) because I controlled self-switches in that game before.

I finally got this as answer:
$game_self_switches = {[$game_map.map_id, @event_id,"A"] => false}
And it works! :)

[Title Screen] Project started..!! :3

Hi! everyone

I will be using this blog to update my game process. Please come visit whenever you have time. >_>~

Foxsuke Project is not real game name, the real name should be Foxsuke something.... Anyway, I already type in title screen 'Foxsuke: the fox', so I think I probably use that one for real name. :3

Today I just finished my game title screen and banner.
I did it in wrong resolution at first, so I've to redo it again in VX resolution. TwT

Here's XP resolution, version 1
The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

someone tell me that snowflake shouldn't be in hot-color picture, so I edited to...
Version 2
The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

And then after I opened new project in VX, I found out that I made title in RMXP resolution =[]@!

It took me about half an hour to redo the hole thing, (some of them I just copy and resize though >_>)

VX resolution

I don't know if that looks good to you or not, but I like it anyway. ( 'w')/

Next is game banner, that I'm going to put in my sig and link to this blog.

Foxkeh is cute! XD

Please leave comment(s)!! ~( o o)~ ~(o o )~

\('w' ) ( 'w')/ (c) 2008.012345 Despain

Foxkeh (c) 2006 Mozilla Japan